Saturday, September 14, 2013

I'm evolving....and it's a good thing!

Three apartment moves in one country done!

Two weeks of professional development done!

First week of School done!

One tired Selina!

The job 
So after months of accumulating ideas, concerns, and areas of weakness for the school, I put together a professional development that I was pleased with.  It was not perfect by far, not “exactly” what I wanted or precisely the exact thing every teacher needed but it was a huge step in the right direction.  I have always taken great pride in loving my staff, trusting their professionalism, listening to their concerns and responding accordingly.  I feel gratified that this is still true after being out of the classroom in administration for 3+ years now.  In a school, your staff is one of your most valued commodities and I have literally seen schools crumple (no names mentioned lol) because they didn't value and/or support their staff members.  I always promised myself that when I left the classroom, I would remain an educator at heart and always think about what is best for all stakeholders.  I’m glad to still be in a position where I can uphold this and the bureaucracy hasn't hindered my vision.

Out of professional development this year came many school-wide changes that I don’t think most people expected (administration and teachers included).  I had three goals for professional development this year:
1. To transform the culture of the school (the culture of achievement, as well as, culture of school-wide expectations).
2. To develop one school = one team, building moral and school spirit
3. To develop consistency around academics and quality instruction in every division (from Reading to PE, from ECC to Secondary)
Its definitely too early to say whether any of the goals were achieved, but it is crystal clear that the school has begun to move in the right direction.  Small victories…☺

The position, my age, and dealing with change
As you recall, I was promoted to a new position this year and now I am the Head of Learning and Instruction.  Which on the surface seems like an awesome position to have and a great next step up the career ladder for me.…hmmmm…. What people in these positions don’t often talk about is how lonely it is as you move further up the career ladder, especially as a black woman.  I’m not much of a “sharer” actually people would probably call me an “under-sharer” as I keep everything contained inside; but this is something I feel like is important to share so people understand me, as a person.  I’m in a very awkward position this year. The other administrations are all very much older than me and I don't quite fit into their social group (and I’m fine with) because frankly I think they don't know how to categorize the people me and my husband’s are.  Most teachers either see me as their “boss” and are afraid to talk to me (let along do any social activities with me) OR feel like because I’m married I don't enjoy doing a lot of things that singles do lol.  And then throw in the fact that I’m the only Black American in the school, which I’m sure for many this is their 1st interaction with someone from my culture and so that adds on a level of apprehension.  It is a situation I am not use to…..where I come from… faculty and administration cross-over or at least have some staff social functions together….but this is all so dissimilar.  But all of that said I realize I am also a bit of a loner and desire space away from the people I work with.  Need to find a balance……I guess it all takes some adjusting to ah?

In sickness and health:
Last year as you can remember I got an awful virus working here in Qatar.  The virus was definitely debilitating on my immune system and skeletal system as it severely affected all my major joints.  In and out of the hospital for weeks, I can say that was not one of our high moments overseas.  However, my husband was such a rockstar and positive motivator especially on days that I didn't have a positive thing to say about the country, the job, or my experience here.  So I continue to ask him are you sure you meant in sickness and health lol!  This year his patience and unconditional love will once again be tested as we found out that I am expecting.  Which meant not only could I not help move a lot of our stuff in August, but I have had morning (afternoon & evening…hell pretty much all day) sickness, mood swings, and fatigue.  Yet another year I will ask him to remain my rock in sickness and health☺ With morning sickness done whew, mood swings subsiding, and the overall fatigue lightening up…..perhaps I should do something nice for him before he has to take care of me again rotfl.  Surprise vacation might do the trick?

Travel adventures before “Labor Day”
The labor day I refer to is now the week of March 13th.  As I think about my  upcoming breaks and the new addition to our family, I am trying to figure out how we can fit in at least another 2 vacations before I officially cant fly.  I was thinking hard about Phuket and Bangkok for Christmas but now I have to go home to do some baby celebrating with the family & friends.  Perhaps we can still get in Oman, Turkey, and Maldives since they are all relatively close to Qatar.  I have three breaks to work with but my travel bug isn’t quite kicking in……any recommendations for Caribbean island destinations during the Christmas holiday that are easy to escape to if we will be in NY?

Poem of the week:
Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.