Sunday, February 2, 2014

Maternity Leave - 5 week countdown

Last 6 weeks of Pregnancy: 

So the first 8 months of pregnancy was not at all what I expected.  No real issues, my weight gain was completely gradual, very little mood swings or depression, zero cravings, and overall the poster gal of happiness.  Now that I have reached the end it seems like every symptom that I didn't exhibit is slowly piling up to drive me completely insane right before I go into labor.  It’s almost like a cruel joke being played on me for being too damn jovial about my lack of symptoms.

Since this is my first baby I have no real point of reference for pain or what’s normal; but I tell you that my hips consistently hurting every night (even though I bought a body pillow) just cant be normal.  Waking up at 1am, 3 am, 4am is completely annoying (and don't say it gives me practice….bc I don't want it yet)! And the weight that is pulling my back, front, stomach, everything pretty much down is insufferable.   Not to mention my inability to sit straight up, roll out of bed properly, or get out of a tub unassisted.  How in the hell do women do this over and over again?

Everyone keeps telling me to hang in there, hold on for this wonderful surprise at the end of the tunnel, or ooh labor is gonna be much worst…..well guess what none of that shit makes me feel better right now.  I see why women have postpartum at the end of all of this.    

Maternity Leave and Summer Vacation 2014:
35 Weeks and it feels like I am falling apart! (lol). I am going on maternity leave in a few weeks, but it feels like it just cannot get here quick enough!! I always thought I would be able to work up to the very end so that I can spend as much time as possible with the baby afterwards, but now I really admire woman that are able to actually do this. Day to day I find myself struggling to get up in the morning, my back is giving me hell, and I loath putting on any clothes that aren’t sweatpants.  Sooooo I am really looking forward to a little "break" from work and the opportunity to focus on my baby and family.

Summer vacation is about 4 weeks after I get back from maternity leave (which Im sure will feel like an eternity) and we are trying to decide the best course of action for summer vacation 2014.  Multiple demands, request, and inquisitive questions about how we are spending our summer are already flooding in.  Apparently, everyone has suddenly forgotten that planning a summer vacation with a newborn baby can be quite overwhelming for new parents!?! Babies are naturally high maintenance and their needs can be demanding (especially the first few months); and lets not forget the 13 hour plane ride we would have to endure to come back to expensive NYC.  In addition to the whole suitcase full of baby items to try to check and store on an airplane or the pressurized cabin that will make the newborn baby ears pop.  Doesn't sound fun right?

So with that said, people may just have to visit us aboard if they want to see the baby.  With all the traveling back and forth to NY we have already done over our 16 months living in the Middle East, it seems like a bit much to expect again in terms of finances, travel, & time.  So what are we thinking? Well, since every place in the world except maybe London and Paris are cheaper to stay at for an extended time period than NYC, maybe we will rent a place for a month somewhere in Europe and invite people to come visit us overseas.  What don't y'all want to venture out of Miami, the Caribbean or Mexico for a summer?  It will be well worth it ☺ and y'all only have to pay for your flight!  These are preliminary plans…..keep you posted on what we decide, where and for how long.

Friends & The Structure of Friendship:  
One of the things I’ve learned to appreciate on my epic journey across several countries the past 16 months is that people are just as fluid as life itself is; and with given circumstances every thing and everyone can change in unimaginable ways.  The friends we once held tight and close over the years for one reason or another can change so quickly that you begin wondering if you ever actually had a strong friendship with that person.  Note I don't necessarily think that is bad though, I sincerely believe that people come into our life for a reason and/or a season…….just so happens some stay longer than others.

Lessons learned over this year…..some things that kill friendships:
1. Lack of reciprocation  (it's a give and take relationship)
2. Negativity (toxicity)
3. Inability to adapt to change (people change and so do situations…..have to learn to adapt with them)
4. Conflicts that grow (Those people who pretend that nothing is wrong or shutting down instead of talking to your friend)

I guess the best way to frame it is:  “Friends” come and go, but there are precious few you should hold on to.  You should always work hard to bridge the gaps between geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need people who know & understand the myriad of changes that have occurred throughout your life.  So be willing to make new friends along your journey of life, but try to nurture & maintain the ones you hold near and dear to your heart.