Friday, October 3, 2014

What can you learn by spending 3 years away ?????

Yeah I know its been over three months since my last blog post......sorry I took a little hiatus to do the motherhood thing for a minute. BUT I'm back!

BIG IDEA: Life is full of twists and turns.

Essential Questions: What can you learn in 2 years? What can traveling around the world and working in a foreign country teach you? How different are your decisions/ choices/ regrets because you are living far away from family & friends?

Life: We think we have life figured out.  We have a plan and know the direction in which we are headed.  While some of that might be true, life is soooo incredibly unpredictable and unforgiving. One day we think we understand the world and the people around us; and the next day everything seems almost alien & foreign. This is the thing that I learned, you are meant to live life and not fret over the fact that your plan doesn't seem to work out the way you intended.  Life is expansive and creative. It is dynamic and explosive and wonderful and crazy.  There are things you were meant to do and become. It matters that you work to do and become them. And thats what life is about....working towards, while taking it all in simultaneously.

Friends: This journey has taught me that true friends will remain connected to you no matter how far away you live and how often you travel back home.  True friends will accept the fact that your time is limited when you come home, but find ways to make memories out of the simplest things (i.e. - BBQ, picnics, breakfast, quick lunches, ice cream, drive-by's, walks in the park, Skype). It is all precious time and needs to be truly valued...since it could all be taken away from us in a blink of an eye.  So I have learned over the past few years to be thankful for the few very close friends who I can randomly call or email disturbing & silly questions, and get instant motivation from when I've hit a wall.  So if you are one of them....thank you, your friendship means more than you know.   

Finding your purpose and doing GOOD: Over the last few years, I have learned that you can live a profound life by doing things that are profound. You can add meaning and purpose to life by doing meaningful and purposeful things.  For me that is Education, Teaching, Learning, and Inspiring. I believe that I have the capacity for great good.  I truly believe a simple act of kindness sends a ripple through life that continues to radiate out of others, inspired by you.  I actively look for opportunities to bless others’ lives and I'm proud of that.

Work - So many lessons learned in this about a list instead:

  • I have learned to set high expectations and force others to raise up.
  • I have learned to hold fast to my values and beliefs whether it makes me popular or not. 
  • I have learned that my fear of failure, has pushed me to do amazing things & make courageous choices.
  • I have developed an art for dealing with many personalities, attitudes, and demeanors. 
  • I have accepted the fact that I'm not perfect, and learned to embrace my mistakes and shortcomings. 
  • I have accepted that not all educators are created equal.
  • I acknowledge that I am a work in progress....and tact isn't always one of my strong suits:)
Family:  Having a baby thousands of miles away from family has proven to be both the most beautiful and most challenging task I have ever embarked on.  There have been many occurrences over the past seven months that have made me question my ability to raise a child, work full time, be a wife, sister, daughter and just Selina.  Not having family here in Doha is a lot harder than I anticipated.  While we have colleagues and a few friends who are wonderful and offer their services with Sage; it is not the same as having my mom or sister who I could just drop Sage off with to run and get a manicure, shop, or just hit the gym.  Juggling our time has been the biggest challenge given our jammed packed work schedules.  I feel like the past year has taught me to survive on little sleep, work on empty, and appreciate the downtime that we do get together as a family.  But I really do weigh my homesickness with the desire to finish things I have started in terms of education/life.

Money: Dont ever underestimate the importance of money. I know its often been said that money won't make you happy and this is undeniably true, but everything else being equal, its a lovely thing to have around the house.  I have learned that I like not having to pay rent, utilities, or a car note.  I love traveling the world to exotic and interesting places, meeting some of the most fascinating people every year.  And without the money to be able to do it....I would just be working a job to survive every year and thats boring.  So I am thankful for the opportunity to have funds to indulge in various forms of entertainment that is both enriching and fun.

Gotta learn to live with regrets: 
As Jay Z said " This is the number one rule for your set
In order to survive got to learn to live with regrets
On the rise to the top many drop, don't forget
In order to survive got to learn to live with regrets"

Even when you think you did the best you could, hindsight asks if you did everything you could.  if you could’ve made more of an effort to make it happen…if your priorities were always as sound as they felt in the moment…, choices, decisions......
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.