Wednesday, September 30, 2015

LETS BE FREE............

As I sit outside, post-morning workout, basking in the humid, dry heat of Qatar; I can’t help but feel an immense amount of freedom. This freedom, free space, free existence that I feel is incredibly difficult to describe to anyone.  And so what better blank canvas to paint my words on…..then a new blog post…………

A little over seven years ago, I remember feeling lost and isolated in the world that I knew and created.  Although, I was very successful (by American standards), with a great job, a BMW, a luxury apartment, money, and family.  I wasn’t happy.  I sought out healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with my ever-changing lifestyle.  I found myself spreading both my time and my affection with people who weren’t truthfully entitled to it.  This was all in the name of searching for happiness, peace, comfort, and I guess perfection.   These things I later found out had a lot more to do with ME, then the outside world.

A choice was made to leave NYC, to leave the heaviness, to leave the financial responsibilities, to leave the work I poured myself into over the years; and go on a journey to feel free and be free.  So how does that look now? Four years into my overseas life....

Financial freedom:  There is a level of freedom living overseas that most Americans will never experience.  I’m thankful that I was given this opportunity to understand what no taxes on your salary really means.   And I have realized that financial freedom is much more than having money. It’s the freedom to be who you really are and do what you really want in life.  And many of us, especially my female friends, lose sight of this by putting others first and playing many different roles such as parent, spouse, employee, and friend.

Money Does Not Make You Rich.  But having a greater intentionality by which you track and spend money does.  Not having to sweat rent, car notes, car insurance, or flights home changes your outlook on life.  It changes your marriage. It changes your world.  And again I am eternally grateful for this financial freedom. It’s been a continual process of growth, improvement and gaining spiritual and emotional strength to become the most powerful, happy, and successful “me” possible.

Freedom of movement:  The right to travel is a concept encompassing the right of individuals to travel from place to place within the territory of a country, and to leave the country and return to it.  Why do people not exercise this right more often?

Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them.  Travel has afforded me the opportunity to meet the most amazing humans on earth. I don't understand how each one of us know or have friends and family members in another city or country; but have not used it as an excuse to explore and travel.  There is no better excuse to travel! Even if you aren’t the traveler or person you want to be in your head, it’s never too late to change. Travel is all about change. The more you say “tomorrow,” the less likely it is that tomorrow will ever come.

Traveling around the world has taught me how to be more social, more flexible, and communicate a lot better.  It has helped me figure out situations even when I couldn’t understand them.  It has made me more independent, more open, and, overall, just a better person.  I used to be a very rigid person (some would say I still am lol), but traveling has helped me expand my worldview.

When I hung my dress shirts and suits after New York City, I wasn't sure what my next chapter would look like in the Middle East, but I thought it would have to be something I felt passionate about, put my various degrees to good work, and I would need to travel ALOT. It's funny how life works out and sometimes you plant a lot of seeds, work your butt off, wait, maybe get a little frustrated, but keep plowing through, and things really start to come together in a way you never could have imagined. I know that everything in life happens for a reason, and I'm just trying to take in this whole experience, learn as much as I can, help others as much as possible, and just be happy.

Freedom of spirit and thoughts:  

“I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind.” ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

True freedom doesn’t come in the future, from a situation, or “from” anything at all, but is within me right now.  My outer world, like myself, isn’t something that needs to be fixed, changed, or controlled so I could experience peace in the future. This outer reality is and will always be a direct reflection of my thoughts.  This summer in particular, I had to learn that each person’s opinion is solely the product of his or her own life and reality.  I don't have to internalize those opinions or thoughts.

It’s hard to imagine this right?  Rather than getting consumed by someone’s opinions or negative comments, get obsessed over it and letting it affect me, I just let it go.  I heard what they said, accepted that it was a reflection of their own world, and poof.  Watched the thought disappear….into thin air.

And on that note: Way up, I feel blessed!